Elements of Search Engine Optimization


  • Code optimizing 
  • SEO content writing 
  • On page/On site SEO
  • Inbound links
Code optization refers to resetting or editing of a website HTML

Significance of code optimization 

  1. The website takes less time to load in search engines hence enhancing high performance of website and driving traffic to the website. 
  2. It enables the written content in a website to the easily understood and comprehended by search engines.
This leads to a better visibility of web content on search engines hence high traffic generation to the website. 
SEO content writing is the ranking /visibility of a good well-written content into search engine results. A website with original or quality content is ranked higher on search engines results, generating leads to the website. 
On-Page/On-Site SEO it is composed of techniques that improves or enhances the layout of the home page and fundamental pages of the website. On-Page SEO is centred on specific web pages like
  • Headings           
  • Subheadings 
  • Page titles 
  • Content display 
  • Internal link configuration 
On-Page SEO also include the usage of keywords, optimization of written content or optimization of images.
Inbound links backlinks is a hyper link on a third party web page that points to a web page on your site. 
The best link development is based on good quality and informative content which ultimately will load to obtain a good position in the search engine listings.

 internet marketing


  1. HAI ,

    This is a great resource and very thorough! Great article. Definitely am happy with how much faster static sites are but I must admit I miss my wordpress plug-ins that I used to use. I’m happy one of my developers made me use INK for All, you can export blog content as markdown documentation and helps with optimizing content for Google: https://seo.app/XzTXZsUH9


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