
Showing posts from September 3, 2017

5 Key Strategies of Social Media Marketing

These are steps that are put in place to follow a certain chronological order to ensure success of the strategy.  While every social media website has it's own plan,when using it's space,the general process followed by online marketers remains the same.  1.Have a plan. For you to have a plan to put in place fast, you must have a business idea that is knocking in your mind. Social media networks is an expansive platform where businesses and companies are finding their road to success. When evaluating a plan any advertiser or marketer need to answer some of these questions.  ✅Who is my audience?  ✅What do I want to promote?  ✅How will I promote it? ✅What tools will I use for promotion?  ✅How long will the campaign last or stay active?  By answering all these questions, you will make a list of goals tasks and resources that will help you to develop a social media marketing strategy.  2.Establish goals. Without having strong and concrete goals, a soc...

7 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

7 benefits of Social Media Marketing (SMM) Existing of Social media networks, aside from its users sharing and posting their interests,marketers and advertisers have  taken advantage of these social media platforms by promoting and advertising their campaigns and businesses as well.  For advertisers and marketers, various ssocial media platforms has led and enhanced an increase of traffic to their websites as social media being traffic sources other than search engines. Therefore social media marketing is an existing effort that will result in multiple benefits for your business.  Some of these benefits are: 1.Reach of the internet.  There is no other marketplace as resourceful and expansive as the internet.  Moreover there is no any other website with massive visitors than social media sites,hence exposing the market in a wide view. 2.Reach more people.  Due to user saturation in social media networks, advertisers and marketers can ...

4 Benefits of Paid Advertising

1.Attracts more clients.  Paid advertising reach more customers/audiences unlike the organic reach advertisement. This helps to widely expand your market as your business become more visible to the new customers through SERPs. 2.Ads target. The possibility of targeting search engine  users is a huge benefit of advertising programs, as you will be able to completely set the criteria according to which the ads will be displayed in the search engines. Adwords allows the following targeting options                 ▶ Keyword targeting                 ▶Device targeting                 ▶Location targeting                 ▶Language targeting  4.Manage the budget. Using paid advertising programs, allows you to be in charge of your campaign, by setting up the budget and the tim...

Paid Advertising

This is the method that involves search engine companies to charge fees for ranking of websites on their top search results. This method is also known as paid inclusion and sponsored listing. The products to be advertised, show up on the separated bar of the search engine, or show up  at the top of the pages of search engine results.  With search engine websites allowing paid inclusions only, they benefit a little from success. Search engines like yahoo! Support the stance of providing mix paid inclusions to the SEO and SEM. The paid method used in "search engine marketing" include advertising with search engine advertising programs, that allow users to create sponsored results that are to be displayed in the search engine result pages (SERPS) Each search engine has some sort of program like Google Adwords and Bing Adwords being the most commonly used, due to large numbers of searches conducted through these two search engines. 5 key strategies of social medi...

Merits of Search Engine Marketing

Cost effectiveness.This can be demonstrated by using pay-per-click method. You only get charged when a user click on your advertisement.  Marketing strategies/techniques. Proper strategies and techniques increases your traffic. By properly using the "Search Engine Marketing" methods, you can increase the number of visits to your website so that your business flourishes. Time. Advertisement runs twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. All you have to do is choose the website on the internet that you want to have your advertisement.  Super control.Search engine marketing allows complete control over your campaign, your audience and campaign cost. Sales increase. This is led by increased traffic which increases promotions to your website. This happen when increased number of people start getting to know about your company or business or any content in the website, which propel these people start converting into loyal customers and clients. It will be hig...

Storage and Memory

It is imposible to process information if every bit came in and went out immediately.The information must linger for a while as the computer works on it thus need for information holdin parts. There are two kinds of information holding places in a computer;some hold it while it is being worked on (Memory),while others hold information for a longer term(Storage). Memory  It is divided into two: 1. ROM  Read Only Memory. This is a permanent and instant available information to let the computer know how to start working when you  first turn it on.This information is put in there by the manufacturer (Non-Volatile). 2. RAM  Random Access Memory. Keeps information temporarily during processing. They are volatile. RAM is classified into two as per the technological composition              SRAM .           DRAM Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) Propeties It is faster than DRAM Is expens...

Computer system

A computer is made up of three components Hardware  Software   Liveware (users) Hardware  is the physical parts of the computer.Computer hardware does the actual processing of data and provides interfaces to the environment. Computer hardware comprises of  Output devices  Input devices Storage devices  Processing unit        These are the functional components of a computer. They are also known as peripherals  and they are operated under the control of the central processing unit. Input devices  For you to process information, you have to get the information into the computer. This implies that all computers must have a functional part or more than one that serves as an input path.  Input devices include keyboard, floppy disk, optical disk(CD),scanner,digital camera,video cassette recorders,camcoders,microphone, mouse,joystick and modem.    Output devices  Processing in...

Computer Jargon

Bit - One Unit of Data Byte - Eight bits of Data Bus - A data carrier in a computer  Bus width - Carrying capacity of a Bus  WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get GIGO - Gabbage In Gabbage Out FIFO - First In First Out Standalone - A computer not connected to any other computer  Network - Interconnection of computers  Node - A connection point in a network (computer printer scanner ) Why Computer Literacy  Provision of efficient and effective manpower  Current state - of - the - art technologically  Effective communication  Industrialization and economic growth  Create independence  Learn computer Significant of computers

Display Advertising

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ⏬ Display advertising    and search ads also increases the conversion rate by driving more traffic to the website. But this two methods of advertising are quite different from each other.Display advertising can be attained by using different websites as long as this sites do offer advertising space.Therefore you can reach potential customers when these visitors visits these sites.Display advertising can't be reached directly through search engines unlike search ads which can be searched through search engines because they are ranked higher in search results pages of search engines.when creating a display advertising ad is always advisable to include a "call-to-action" button which helps or creates a clear navigation for visitors to reach you or your website for more information. Why display advertising  Besides other types of advertising methods like Search Engine Optimization (SEO),Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Social Media ...