
The mostly used technology is computer.In the modern world we as human, we are exhaustively making use of computers in almost every field.From macro companies to micro companies are heavily depending on the new technology.The better thing is that human beings have really appreciated this technology. Though they are of different types depending upon their functions and usage,they have taken over most energetic part of almost all the distinctive field of the manual work done with humans.In a simple statement, computer have turned to be the most useful and pertinent technology to man. Different companies which manufactures computers they have every reason to reap for their thriving market outside the revolutionised world.
The use of computers have made the real world to change drastically.The main field where computer is widely used is for scientific researh in companies or institution which carry out research.Huge companies which deals with scientific research use huge computers/mainframe computers with high processinge speed.Other fields where computers are widely use are:
          🔸Educational institutions
          🔸Government institutions
          🔸Agricultural  sectors
 Other than the above named fields,we have many other fields where computers are mainly used for different functions.

Types of computers 

Remember different computers have different processing power. The measure of their power is based on the number of processors "speed" that the computer has,the size of it's data bus and amount of RAM installed. 
  • Mainframe computers 
  • Mini-computers
  • Micro-computers 
  • Super computers 

Mainframe computers 

Mainframe computers have the following characteristics 
  1. It is the largest computer ever known 
  2. It processes a lot of data at once 
  3. It has a high storage space
  4. It has a very high speed 
  5. Can be used by many users at the same time 
  6. It consume a lot of power hence produce a lot of heat 


Minicomputers are second largest computers having the following characteristics 
  1. It has a moderate storage space 
  2. Its speed is also moderate 
  3. It can support several users
  4. Its size is moderate 
  5. They process data at a lower speed and lower volumes than mainframe computers 


Microcomputers have the following features
  1. They are the smallest in size 
  2. They are the cheapest computers
  3. They usually sit on top of desks
  4. They process fewer amount of data at time
  5. Only a single person can use it at a time
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