significant of computers

Significance of computers 

In this subtopic you will learn mportance of using a computer. This is just a brief list of significance of computers
  • Computers are safe for storage of documents and vital information
  • They are easy to maintain hence having a lasting effect
  • Mainly computers are used for processing of information fed  into data
  • They are used for storage of data
  • They are fast hence saves time
  • Enhancement of accuracy
  • computers enhances comprehensivity of data stored
  • Dissemination of information or data
  • Also due to compression of files space is saved  creating  more room for more files
  • Sending of files,information, pictures, videos and emails (communication)
Uses of computers

Computers are use in  numerous ways but you  are going to learn the main uses of a computer.
  1. Dissemination of information
  2. Entertainment
  3. Communication
  4. Storage of  information inform of data

Qualities of a computer 

Here are some of the qualities of a computer 
  • It is automatic. Computer can work with minimum human intervention once supplied with data and instructions 
  • It is a data processor. It processes raw facts and figures to produce information. 
  • It is a storage device. It can store information for future reference 
  • It is electronic thus requires electric power to drive it

Advantages of Computers

Due to the adverse use of computers, this has lead to effectiveness and efficiency of computers in human workforce henceforth improving and enhancing accuracy in working environment. 
  • Speed.They are faster in action than human beings.A computer performs tasks within a very short period of time compared to working manually. 
  • Accuracy. Computer work is always free from errors once supplied with correct data and instructions 
  • Versatility. Computer can do one task over and over without being bored or being worn out 
  • Diligence. Computers does not suffer from human limitations 
  • Automation.Computers can work without human intervention 
  • Storage. It stores large amount of information within limited space 
  • Secrecy. Information is fairly protected especially using passwords if the computer system is well managed 
  • Efficiency. Creates an all around saving on space and time
  • Consistency.Computer gives the same results given same data and instructions 

Disadvantages of  computers 

These are some of the demerits of computers 
  • Computers are expensive to install and maintain 
  • They diminish rate of employment 
  • Loss of information if not well managed
  • Computers can not make value judgement on works
  • Requires that the user have to be computer literate 
  • They create eye problem due to radiation from the monitor screen 
learn computer


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