Black Hat SEO

Is a type of SEO technique that breaches/infringe Google search engine rules or guidelines. 


Features of black hat SEO

  • Is a cloaking SEO tactic,meaning serving one version of a page to search engine spiders/bots and another version to human visitors.
  • Redirecting users to a page that is different from the page the search engine ranked.
  • Support Meta tag stuffing.keyword repetition in meta tags and using keywords that are unrelated to the web page.
  • Page hijacking.Creating copy of a popular website which shows similar contents to the original to a web crawler,but redirecting web users to unrelated or malicious website.
  • Allows doorway pages/gateway pages.Creating low quality web pages that entails very little content,but stuffed with very similar keywords and phrases.
  • Use of keyword stuffing.Using numerous keywords within a page to raise keyword count,variety and density of the page.
  • Using hidden or invisible text or with the page background color,using tiny font size or hiding them.
  • Redirecting users from a page mainly built for search engines to one that is more human friendly.
  • Involve deception to gain ranking improvement in search engine results.   

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