Paid Advertising

This is the method that involves search engine companies to charge fees for ranking of websites on their top search results. This method is also known as paid inclusion and sponsored listing.
The products to be advertised, show up on the separated bar of the search engine, or show up  at the top of the pages of search engine results. 
With search engine websites allowing paid inclusions only, they benefit a little from success. Search engines like yahoo! Support the stance of providing mix paid inclusions to the SEO and SEM.
The paid method used in "search engine marketing" include advertising with search engine advertising programs, that allow users to create sponsored results that are to be displayed in the search engine result pages (SERPS)
Each search engine has some sort of program like Google Adwords and Bing Adwords being the most commonly used, due to large numbers of searches conducted through these two search engines.

5 key strategies of social media marketing

  Types of Ads."paid advertisement"

1.Pay-Per-click advertisement (PPC).

It is also known as cost-per-click(PPC) advertising. This type of advertisement you only pay when someone clicks your ad shown on search engine result pages.
This advertisement is most commonly used by advertisers as it requires payment only after your ad has been able to attract visitors to click on it.

2.Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions(CPM).

This advertising model is focused on the number of impressions, the number of times that your ad has been shown. 
This type of advertising you pay for each set of one thousand impressions. 
Ad format.There are different types of ad formats which helps you with different types of campaign goals. These are:

        ⏩Text ads
        ⏩Ads extensions 
        ⏩Mobile text
        ⏩App promotion ads


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