Computer system

A computer is made up of three components
  • Hardware 
  • Software  
  • Liveware (users)
Hardware  is the physical parts of the computer.Computer hardware does the actual processing of data and provides interfaces to the environment. Computer hardware comprises of 
  • Output devices 
  • Input devices
  • Storage devices 
  • Processing unit       
These are the functional components of a computer. They are also known as peripherals and they are operated under the control of the central processing unit.

Input devices 
For you to process information, you have to get the information into the computer. This implies that all computers must have a functional part or more than one that serves as an input path. 
Input devices include keyboard, floppy disk, optical disk(CD),scanner,digital camera,video cassette recorders,camcoders,microphone, mouse,joystick and modem.  

Output devices 
Processing information is pretty pointless if you never get to find out the results of the processing, thus must have a provision (one or more) that serves as an output path.
These devices include the following monitor, printer,floppy disk,modem,video cassette recorders, optical disc (CD),speakers,projector, CRT,speakers, printers,plotters.


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