Storage and Memory

It is imposible to process information if every bit came in and went out immediately.The information must linger for a while as the computer works on it thus need for information holdin parts.
There are two kinds of information holding places in a computer;some hold it while it is being worked on (Memory),while others hold information for a longer term(Storage).


It is divided into two:
1.ROM Read Only Memory. This is a permanent and instant available information to let the computer know how to start working when you  first turn it on.This information is put in there by the manufacturer (Non-Volatile).
2.RAM Random Access Memory. Keeps information temporarily during processing. They are volatile. RAM is classified into two as per the technological composition 
.           DRAM

Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)


  • It is faster than DRAM
  • Is expensive than DRAM
  • Is made up of transistors 
  • Is more reliable than DRAM
  • Takes up more space than DRAM
  • Holds data without external refresh for as long as power supplied to the circuit. 

Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)

  • Is cheaper than SRAM
  • Is slower than SRAM 
  • Takes up less space
  • Made up of tiny capacitors 
  • Holds data continuously when refreshed by a circuit 
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