Display Advertising

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Display advertising   and search ads also increases the conversion rate by driving more traffic to the website. But this two methods of advertising are quite different from each other.Display advertising can be attained by using different websites as long as this sites do offer advertising space.Therefore you can reach potential customers when these visitors visits these sites.Display advertising can't be reached directly through search engines unlike search ads which can be searched through search engines because they are ranked higher in search results pages of search engines.when creating a display advertising ad is always advisable to include a "call-to-action" button which helps or creates a clear navigation for visitors to reach you or your website for more information.

Why display advertising 

Besides other types of advertising methods like Search Engine Optimization (SEO),Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Social Media  Marketing (SMM),Display advertising can drive visitors or traffic to your website through search engine results page when search engine searchers or users type in keywords or word phrases that relate to your word title or Meta tags of your website contents. 
By display advertising you can be able create a brand awareness to your customers either local or international customers depending on your business size.You can also target specific audience in different places,countries or regions depending on the amount of visits your website get on those various different places, countries or regions.
This heavily depends on the data your website receives in analytics tools  that your website uses. Remember that display advertising cannot be searched directly by search engines but searchers or users can only find your website when they visit advertising networks ranked higher on search engines result pages(SERPs).
This is one of the advertising method that can be used to retarget interested customers by bringing them back again to your website to complete a certain action they didn't complete earlier.


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