Types of Search Engine Optimization

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Search engine optimization is fundamentally categorized into:
  1. Black hat SEO/Unethical /Spamdexing
  2. White hat SEO/Ethical SEO
  3. Grey hat SEO

Black hat Search Engine Optimization 

Refers to the use of aggressive or conflicting SEO strategies, tactics and  techniques that focus on search engines only and not a human audience. 
This type of  SEO doesn't obey search engine rules /guidelines. 

Examples of black hat SEO are 

                ◾Invisible text
                ◾Page swapping 
                ◾Doorway pages
Black hat SEO is mostly used by those looking a quick financial return on their website with short term investment. 
This type of SEO can be easily banned or penalized by Google. The techniques used by black hat SEO include spam links, giving false impression /information of a highly authoritative and relevant websites.

White hat Search Engine Optimization 

Refers to the use of acceptable tactics or techniques that focus on a human audience unlike black hat SEO that focuses on search engine only.
White hat SEO completely abides with rules and policies of search engines.

Examples of white hat SEO

          ✏Link building 
          ✏Quality content writing 
          ✏Use of keywords and keywords analysis 
White hat SEO allows optimization of websites for a higher visibility /ranking into search  engines results.This type of SEO is mostly used by those intending to make long term investment on their website.  

Grey hat Search Engine Optimization 

Is the  incorporation of both the white and black hat SEO techniques or tactics. Grey hat SEO functions by incorporating techniques which are undetected by search engines algorithms. 
They are only focused on improving search engine listings and visibility /ranking but not producing well written content.Grey hat SEO relatively obey search engine rules but over time they turn to be black hat SEO.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Computer jargon
Elements of search engine optimization 


  1. Thank you so much for this helpful post

  2. Manfaat SEM tidak dapat diabaikan dalam strategi pemasaran digital. Dari peningkatan eksposur hingga penargetan kata kunci yang relevan dan kontrol anggaran yang fleksibel, setiap aspeknya berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan dan keberhasilan bisnis online.

    Fungsi SEM membentang dari peningkatan visibilitas hingga pengaturan iklan yang terukur, membuktikan dirinya sebagai elemen vital dalam strategi pemasaran digital.

    Kelebihan SEM yang mencakup peningkatan eksposur, penargetan yang tepat, dan kontrol anggaran yang fleksibel menjadikannya pilihan utama dalam strategi pemasaran digital.


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